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DesignPF Supporters Association

You would like to support our faculty directly? Become a member of our support association!

Annual donation

Individuals can support DesignPF from a contribution of 25,-€/year, companies and institutions from 40,-€/year. For graduates of our faculty, membership is free for the first two years after graduation.

Through membership, you will receive exclusive invitations to the biennial DesignPF Alumni Convention and invitations to other special events.

How can you join?
Download the membership form and complete and return it to foerderverein[at]

Course- or project-related one-time donation

If you would like to donate specifically for a particular study program or project, we would be happy to receive your transfer. Please indicate the desired study program / project you would like to support as the intended purpose / subject:

Förderverein Design PF e.V.
Sparkasse Pforzheim CalwIBAN: DE 63 6665 0085 0002 6022 53 BIC: PZHSDE66
Purpose / Subject: Support (Course of studies XX) / Project

The Faculty of Design at Pforzheim University, DesignPF, would like to thank you very much for any kind of support!