Design PF Wall of Fame


We are incredibly proud! Our students receive many awards for their projects and final theses, including promotional prizes as well as renowned design awards. This is not only a confirmation of our design excellence, but also high time for a Wall of Fame! To be continued!
A note for our English speaking visitors: although our news are only published in German you will get an idea...


Preise 2023

Portrait von Niclas Hasemann

Niclas Hasemann gewinnt den FASH 2023!

Gruppenbild der Preisverleihung mit allen Beteiligten, Foto: BLANCO

Visionär, experimentell, nachhaltig: junge Designerinnen ausgezeichnet

Melitta Baumeister gewinnt den CFDA / Vogue Fashion Fund

Auszeichnung beim ADC Talent Award für Ahmet Mehadzic

Apolda European Design Award für Eleonore Brive

iF Design Award für Felix Herrmann

Preise 2022