School of Design Short Facts
• one of the oldest and well-known Schools for Design in Germany
• founded 1877 as Ducal School of Craft at the behest of the jewellery industry that wished to encourage Higher Education
• in 1992 fusion with the School of Economics to Pforzheim University
• since 2005 School of Design at Pforzheim University (public university – no tuition fees for EU-students)
• is fully accredited and continuously evaluated by the state Baden-Wuerttemberg and ZEvA Hannover
• since 2004 member of CUMULUS International Association of Art and Design Colleges
Academic Cooperations
The Pforzheim University School of Design is always interested in possible new cooperations with other universities and / or visiting professors. If you would like to suggest your academic institute as a partner for an exchange or a project, please do not hesitate to contact our International Office.
In addition, the following document provides a short description of our departments which you might find helpful as well.