Picture of student project: 'Evolving the Flagship Racing Icon' by Min Joo Kim, MA-Thesis 'Evolving the Flagship Racing Icon' by Min Joo Kim, MA-Thesis

MATD: The program

The master's program is divided thematically into three main parts. The acquired knowledge of all subjects is basically applied to the current project work. 1.

1. in the module 'Professional Studies', theoretical knowledge specialized in and typical for vehicle design as well as automotive-typical representation techniques are taught. In particular for Industrial Designers, this module contains the vehicle-specific methods and knowledge not yet known.

The module 'Automotive Exterior' contains a complete vehicle exterior design. As a study project in the sense of an examination document, the course participants create a 3D data model of their design and generate renderings from it. Along the way, they go through all the necessary stages such as conception, packaging, idea phase, work and design tape, modeling and rendering.

The module 'Automotive Interior' has basically the same sequence as the previous one, but with the higher complexity inherent to the subject. The knowledge necessary for the creation of an interior design is taught within the module. The study work in the sense of an examination document is created in the same technology as in the previous module. In addition, the students will present mechanical functions of individual elements of the design in the form of computer animations (moving images).

The knowledge required for the creation of 3D data models and renderings and animations (Alias AutoStudio, Adobe After Effects, etc.) in various stages of development are also components of the modules.

Course of studies

The standard period of study for the Master of Arts degree is three semesters, with the last semester reserved for the preparation of the Master's thesis. The master's thesis can be developed in cooperation with an industrial company. An industrial internship is not part of the formally scheduled program, but may take place during the course of study. The language of instruction is English.

Video by Kyunghyun Kim

Here is a detailed overview of which subjects are taught in which semester.