Moritz Kirchhoff

at Strate École de Design, Paris

The student of BA in Transportation Design about his semester abroad

– March 2018 – Already more than one month ago, I arrived in freezing Paris. School started right after my arrival – I was basically thrown at the deep end. Thankfully, I could count on my basic French knowledge, but language-wise, the first month was quite tough. Everything is in French. Being trapped in a foreign language "body" it is not so easy to express oneself, but my classmates are all really supportive and super nice.

"Strate - École de Design" is a private College, even smaller than Pforzheim University. Projects are almost always done in groups. I was placed in 4th year in which we will do two big service design projects and various smaller ones. There is a lot to be done.

Paris offers a huge variety of cultural happenings. Numerous openings, museums and spaces want to be visited. Although, from a Berlin perspective good nightlife is not that easy to be found;)

Everything is going well so far!