Master of Arts in Creative Direction


The Master of Arts in Creative Direction ('MACD') program is aimed at graduate designers with Bachelor's or Diploma degrees from a wide range of design disciplines.

Not only leadership positions in design involve dealing with subject areas that go far beyond the competence of pure form development. Better design in a wide variety of fields requires deeper thinking and a holistic conceptual approach. In the Creative Direction master's program, you will learn about the new spheres of influence of design. To strengthen your skills as a designer of the future, you will develop your personal methodological foundation, locate yourself theoretically and develop a holistic, creative self-confidence. The confrontation with the most diverse theoretical approaches and emphatic procedures will become your tools. 


This toolbox of methods and the strategic expertise to develop future-proof concepts are reinforced by the ability to specifically identify emergent markets and social trends. In order to implement these insights in a leading role in interdisciplinary teams, you will get to know one thing above all: Yourself! Because only those who can lead themselves can lead others.

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Our graduates develop design further by incorporating corporate identity, brand strategies, lifestyles and target group scenarios into the design. They combine skills in design, design management and in the analysis of the latest developments and requirements and apply their knowledge as creative directors, design consultants, product managers or developers after graduation.


More about career options...

MACD Benefits:

  • Development of creative and methodical resources
  • Learning techniques of idea generation, evaluation and implementation
  • Increasing creative capacity & self-confidence
  • Increasing the ability to critically reflect on one's own work & one's own position as a designer
  • Improvement of communication competence & conceptual confidence 
  • Confident handling of complex issues & innovation projects
  • More confidence & professionalism for presentations
  • Development & expansion of teamwork & leadership skills
  • Expansion of one's own horizon & development of new ideas for one's own job description 
  • Inspiration & competences for the own business start-up
  • Skills in building & maintaining successful customer relationships
  • Experience in real projects with national or international companies
  • Increase of analytical & planning skills regarding market and consumer behavior
  • Close cooperation with the study program "Creative Communication & Brand Management
  • Ability to conceptualize innovative marketing and sales approaches
  • Ability to change analytical perspectives in the consideration of different issues
  • Increase of interdisciplinary communication competence
Fyer M.A. in Creative Direction (pdf, in german)

Instagram: @macd_designpf