Visual Communication


Visual communication is used to design information. From the app to the poster, from the advertising campaign to the trade fair stand, from illustration to writing - it uses a variety of media. It not only conveys pure information, but also always serves as a visual means of expression for a personal or institutional engagement with a topic. 

As a communication designer, one conceives design competently and responsibly - and thus solves the communicative concerns of business, science, culture and civil society.

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Picture of student project: 'Mave', Eileen Moretto, BA-Thesis 'Mave', Eileen Moretto, BA-Thesis
picture: Magazine 'Touching' for the workshop days Magazine 'Touching' for the workshop days





Instagram: @vk_design_pf 

Picture of student project: ‚Von der Einheit in der Vielfalt - Eine visuelle Auseinandersetzung im Sinne der Esperanto Bewegung‘ by Tamara Gudlevskis 'Of Unity in Diversity - A visual exploration in the spirit of the Esperanto Movement' (transl.) by Tamara Gudlevskis

Video 'JETZT' by Esther Podrasa

Picture of student project: ‚Verhütung – Frauensache?‘ von Aylin Maus ‚Verhütung – Frauensache?‘ by Aylin Maus


Whether your heart beats for graphics, typography, illustration, animation, corporate design, design of books, magazines, posters, websites, game design, exhibition design, film or advertising and text - you can learn all that with us!


More about the program... 


Picture of student picture: ‚Ugly Truth. Eine visuelle Auseinandersetzung mit der Diskriminierung durch Attraktivität‘ by Teresa Vogelbacher 'Ugly Truth. A visual exploration of discrimination through attractiveness' (transl.) by Theresa Vogelbacher
Picture of student project: ‚User Centered Interface Design' by Teresa Vogelbacher 'User Centered Interface Design' by Teresa Vogelbacher

App ‚Waylight‘ by Nina Loana Elstner 

Picture of student project: ‚Pauselo App' by Kristina Chudzik 'Pauselo App' by Kristina Chudzik
Excursion to Luxembourg to the Capital of Culture in Esch
Picture of student project: ‚Schattensport‘ by Jonathan Wright, 2020/21



„What will endure in the future are creativity and social competence. That's why we place particular emphasis on a comprehensive education in the Visual Communication program, which ultimately releases students as designer personalities - who are not only professionally competent and realize unseen visualizations, but above all also assume social responsibility.“

Prof. Sebastian Hackelsperger 


Flyer B.A. in Visual Communication (pdf, in German)
Picture of student project: ‚Stuttgart neu entdecken - Ein Sammelsurium fast geheimer Gefilde‘ by Adis Ahmetasevic 'Rediscover Stuttgart - A smorgasbord of almost secret realms' by Adis Ahmetasevic


Communication designers are generalists - their tasks can be global and transcend language and cultural areas. In addition to specific technical knowledge, openness, general education, presentation skills and language skills are therefore among the prerequisites for succeeding in this profession. If you have these qualities and / or an enthusiasm for quickly familiarizing yourself with a wide variety of topics and lifestyles, the world is open to you, because visual communication is everywhere!


More about career options...

Video von Lara Oberle: ‚Jeff and the pigeon - a weird (love?) story.‘

Video by Vanessa Ujevic: ‚Die Dynamik eines Traums‘