Visual Communication: The program

In all design degree programs at Pforzheim University, studies are based on artistic fundamentals such as drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and audiovisual media. This is complemented by basic theoretical knowledge from art and design sciences as well as business administration.

In the Visual Communication program, we work with various techniques and media such as typography, illustration, moving images, corporate design, publication design, digital media, or advertising and text. The aim is to link these and use them in a targeted manner. The requirement is not only to seek personal engagement with a topic, but also to transform this into vivid visual communication. This requires a high level of craftsmanship, which we pass on in our workshops for lead typesetting and screen printing, computer labs, photo lab and studio. In small working groups, practical tasks are used to convey a realistic professional image.

Animation project of the 3rd semester, WS23, with Prof. Tanja Krampfert: Design of a unique character with dynamic walkcycle. Challenge: Creativity and originality of the character design, as well as conveying personality and narration through the movements and audio.
From left to right: Animations by Emily Greathead, Sophie Friede, and Nina Loana Elstner.

Job description Visual Communication Designer

In the Visual Communication program, we work with various techniques and media such as typography, illustration, moving images, corporate design, publication design, digital media, or advertising and text. The aim is to link these and use them in a targeted manner. The requirement is not only to seek personal engagement with a topic, but also to transform this into vivid visual communication. This requires a high level of craftsmanship, which we pass on in our workshops for lead typesetting and screen printing, computer labs, photo lab and studio. In small working groups, practical tasks are used to convey a realistic professional image.

Studieninhalte Visuelle Kommunikation

(simplified version)

1st semester:
Fundamentals of Design Tools, Graphics / Motion / Interaction, Typography, Scribble, Photography.

2nd semester
Visual Coding Tools, Animation Tools, Typography, Image / Text / Layout, Photography

3rd semester
Corporate Design, Digital Media, Animation, Audio, Photography

4th semester
Digital media, print, advertising & text, impromptu (work show), pre-press intermedia

5th semester
Practical semester

6th semester
Digital Media, Print, Illustration & Motion Design, Interdisciplinary Projects

7th semester
Bachelor's thesis

Video by Anna Gawriltschuk: Flip book ‚Chatter‘

„The atmosphere at Pforzheim School of Design inspired me on my first visit. Designing artistically and freely is just as important to us as working conceptually. In this way, we create something relevant for the future.“

Amalia Blum, Absolventin