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Master of Arts in Design & Future Making


You are curious, open to critical exploration, practice-oriented and want to explore the possibilities and limits of making between craft and digital technologies? Test what you can do as a designer for a possible future? Interested in working creatively and critically in an interdisciplinary environment to develop your individual and collective skills?

Welcome to the MADFM


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We work in the critical context of cultural, social, industrial and environmental systems.

We search for and identify meaningfulness and explore perceptions, ideas and boundaries in a creative and technical environment.

We operate at the interfaces between traditional and digital production, between virtuality and materiality, between artistic and result-oriented production processes.

We experiment with promising technologies and materials and explore what "making" means in the context of possible "futures".

We question existing techniques, processes and methods in order to develop our own approaches and systems.

MADFM Flyer 2023 (pdf, in german)
Picture of student project: Facing Carbon, by Elisabeth Klug, 2022 Facing Carbon, Elisabeth Klug

Process and form are the focus, leading to integrative and haptic design and communication. This cross-fertilization and practice-based approach allows students from a wide range of disciplines - design, architecture, art, science and engineering (with a demonstrated affinity for design) - to strategically sharpen and deepen their personal focus and design skills through research, experimentation and exploration of contexts. The program encourages the development of a research-oriented and exploratory mindset, provides freedom and time for experimental design and reflection, and thoroughly prepares students to become effective agents* of cultural, social, and environmental change.

The MADFM curriculum offers a diverse setting that promotes research, analysis of complex situations, and development of personal positions. Practice-based exploration at the intersection of low-tech analog craft processes and high-tech intelligent and interactive technologies leads to a new understanding of "craftsmanship" and is the core of the program. The interdisciplinary and hybrid practice encourages personal curiosity, imagination and questioning of processes.


Instagram: @madfm_design_pf                

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