Application for the M.A. in Transportation Design

Dear prospective student, here you will find detailed information on which documents you need to upload into our application system in order to apply for the MATD. General information about the application process for Design PF Master's programs can be found on the page 'Apply for a Master's program'. 
If you have any questions, we are happy to help: Our StudiCenter can be reached by e-mail or by phone at 07231 - 28 6724 / 28 6718, and here you can find the contact persons for the study program. 

Important information for applicants from abroad:
The admission interviews on December 14, 2023 will be held in presence here at the university - please take this into account in your planning and, if necessary, arrange for visa and travel in time.

....Let's go:

Application documents MATD

Please prepare the following documents:

  • completed application form MATD 
  • English language certificate: For applicants whose native language is NOT English, language certificates according to § 3g) apply: TOEFL (IBT minimum 87 points, ITP minimum 560 points), IELTS (6.5 and above), or TOEIC (785 pts. and above) or equivalent (European Reference CEFR Level B2). Further information for international students
    Basic knowledge of German is recommended!
  • Applicants with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree: APS certificate
  • A bachelor's degree / diploma qualifying for a master's degree. The certificate must be from the fields of Transportation Design / Industrial Design, have at least 180 ECTS and a grade point average better than 2.5.
  • a portfolio: the number of works can be chosen freely
  • a letter of motivation
  • one (or more) letter of recommendation
  • if applicable: proof of work experience

Application deadlines

You can apply in spring as well as in fall - the start of studies for the MATD is possible every semester. 
Application deadlines for German applicants: April 30 and October 30.
Application deadlines for international applicants: March 30 and September 30.
The application deadlines mentioned are cut-off deadlines, i.e. all applications that have not been uploaded by this date can no longer be considered. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Submission of Application

The MATD accepts applications in digital format only. All documents (including portfolio) must be uploaded as ONE pdf file to our portfolio portal (see below) - international applicants please upload your application between March 15 and 30 / September, German applicants between April 15 and 30 / October. 

Please prepare your application pdf the following way:

  • Application form MATD, HZB, Bachelor/Diploma certificate
  • Language certificate (including translations)
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Letter of motivation
  • CV
  • Portfolio 

Please label the final pdf file LastNameFirstName.pdf – the file size must not exceed 40 MB.

On our page 'Portfolio Portal' you can read in advance how to upload your application to us.


Our portfolio portal is open during the following periods: 
International MATD applicants: September 15th - 30th and March 15th - 30th
German applicants: October 15 - 30 and April 15th - 30th 

Please use a desktop computer for your application and not a mobile device.