Application process for DesignPF Master's programs

Described here is the application process for our Master's programs. The application process for the Bachelor's programs differs from these and is explained in more detail on here.

Picture: 'Passion led us here'

Dear applicants,

If you have any questions: Write us an e-mail to gestaltung(dot)studicenter(at) or call us on 07231 - 28 6724, we will be happy to help you and overcome any hurdle!

ATTENTION: Sometimes we have difficulties receiving and sending to Google email accounts. If you have already contacted us from a Gmail address, please check your spam folders first. If you have not received a reply from us, please contact us by phone.

Your Design PF team

Information about our programs

Visit our school and/or informative events, make an appointment for advising, come to the Werkschau, talk to professors, staff and students...
Please also read the FAQs and the SPO (Study and Examination Regulations, see below) for more detailed information on the application and admission procedure. 

Application deadlines for Master's programs

MA in Creative DirectionApril 30th
MA in Design & Future MakingApril 30th
MA in JewelleryApril 30th*
MA in Transportation DesignApril 30th* / October 30th*

*Please note: The deadline for international applicants is one month earlier.

Application documents

Compile your application documents. Please note: The application procedures of our three Master's programs differ from each other. You can find detailed information on the respective program pages.

Application documents:

  • Completed application form: MACD, MADFM and MAJ applicants can find the form in the application portal, MATD applicants please use the downloadable pdf-form (see below)
  • a curriculum vitae
  • a certificate of the first completed and qualifying university studies and, if applicable, further completed university studies, if applicable with German or English translation
  • a letter of motivation
  • a portfolio
  • an expert opinion/letter of recommendation
  • for international applicants: a language certificate
  • Applicants with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree: APS certificate
  • for applicants of the MADFM and MAJ: a summary of a possible research project.

You upload these documents by the deadline to the online portal(s) (application portal and/or portfolio portal) named for your desired degree program. 
Details and links to the online portals can be found on the respective program page:

Application for MACD,    Application for MADFM,    Application for MAJ,    Application for MATD


Admission procedure for Master's degree programs

After the application deadline, the admissions committee makes a preliminary selection of applicants based on the applications submitted. As a rule, applicants will be informed via the application portal approximately two weeks after the regular application deadline whether they have been invited to an entrance interview (or, if applicable, entrance examination) at the School of Design.

Admission interview / examination

In the admission interview we want to get to know you! Topics of discussion can be your work from the artistic aptitude test, your portfolio, your creative areas of interest or also your career. Please plan a total of one day at our faculty for the entrance examination and the entrance interview (if necessary, this can also take place online).
Whether an entrance examination takes place depends on the respective Master's program or the number of ECTS accumulated in the first degree program. After the pre-selection, the selection committee decides whether an examination will take place. If this is the case, the applicants will work on one or more design tasks (maximum processing time four hours) at our office (or online). The tasks will be announced directly at the beginning of the exam. 

Approximately 2-3 weeks after the last part of the exam, you can check in the application portal whether you have passed the admission process and received a study place.

Enrollment, fees, insurance, visas

Matriculation (enrollment in studies) takes place before the start of lectures. The university will inform you of the date in good time. 

Proof of existing health insurance and timely payment of fees (student union fee and administrative fees) are absolutely necessary for enrollment - you will be notified in good time in advance when and how these fees are to be paid. Please note that tuition fees are charged for international students. More information is available here. Please also remember to take care of a visa for Germany in time, if necessary.

The start of lectures is determined for each semester and is around March 15 for the summer semester and around October 1 for the winter semester.


You can find the complete curricula of the individual study programs in the section 'Study and Examination Regulations'.​​​​​​​